Hello! Thank you for your entry. Would you be so kind to tell me the RGB code of the green color you used? Can you make me another version where you remove the right green cube?
Hi, Thanks for the generous feedback. the RGB code (R-102, G-165, B-0). Please check my new posted version as per your comment. Kindly let me know if I did the right way.
thank you for your new entries. Would you be so kind to create another version of entry #221 where you remove all 3D-effects? Maybe you can make "Consulting" a little more bold? Please also try RGB(95 180 4) as green. Thanks a lot! Regards, Silvia
thanks a lot. I have (hopefully) one more request. Can you use the grey rgb(51 51 51) instead of black for the cubes on the left side? Maybe you can make a further version where you also color the "BISS" in that grey? Thank you very much! Regards, Silvia
Hi Manny, thank you for the revisions. Can you tell me which font you used? There just come up another question in my mind - if I choose you as winner, do I get a editable version of the logo from you and in which file format do I get it?
Hi m'am Silvia, the font I used for the BISS logotype is "Hancock Park Bold" and "Avenir Black" for CONSULTING. The final file will be editable vector format EPS, I will provide you also hires TIFF and GIF format. Just let me know If you need something and I will provide it to you.