Hello, thanks for your work. I think we should separate the logo and the name. I like the logo concept and I am sure it can be used separately as well. #30 might be our starting point. Thanks again.
we can also use different colors for the words birinci and blog to separate them just a little to make reading easier. I like the underline in #26 I guess we should work on that one. Thanks
Thanks for your feedback, i really appreciate it... as you said "17 independet writers are writing daily for this website with minimum of 4 articles from different writers daily". so my idea is using "17" as "N" and mark it lika a pencil also...
Hello dije, very good job with the hidden messages inside the logo but the number of writers may increase in the future so we can't bind ourselves with 17..still the logo looks good as a number 17 so I think we should keep it. But we must separate the logo from the name and we can also use different colors for the name to separate the words birinci and blog..blue and black are nice color combinations I like that..thanks in advance
yes i know... some day you will be increase the writer but at least 17 is the starting point you still remember when you see the logo.. thats why it may a hidden message... just you and team knew it... also i play with 1 as birinci too... i hope you like my idea.. i will give you other variation till i get back home... im on my way home now
Hello dije, thanks for your work and your speed, I like your ide very much...#32 is my favorite so far and we should go from there. the numbers 1 and 7 should look like that I think. You can also remove the little dash on 7 so that both of them sill be smoother and still will look like 1 and 7 to us..thanks a lot
Comes with new variation adding "1" in the middle of "17". so the concept is, start with 17 writers to be number one blog in the world wide. also the combination of 1 and 17 still look like pencil.. i hope you like it Comment References #135
Hello dije, thanks for your efforts, me and my colleagues we prefer #95 rather than #135..it is more elegant and simple design. We are now narrowing down our choices and your design #95 is one of our choices..Therefore we are now waiting to make a decision..I'll keep you posted, thank you for your effort so far.