I’m not the best drawer with my finger. Did you get the markup?
The idea is the the convergence point for the “rays” should be the heart. You may not actually draw it into the design but to get the angle of the dots that would be the center point.
I would love a little more color in the design maybe reds and yellows.
In the work that I do I see light coming out of her hearts and moving all around us. It looks iridescent and alive! I appreciate that your silhouette looks like someone who is joyful and happy. I really like it a lot.
With the name I think I would like it all one color. And with tuneup I would like the tea and then you to be capitalized/taller and everything else shorter as in BioEnergetic TuneUp.
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Okay, i'm on my way to update the entries based on your feedback. Thankyou!
The idea is the the convergence point for the “rays” should be the heart. You may not actually draw it into the design but to get the angle of the dots that would be the center point.
I hope that made sense. :)
Also, I don’t want it to be too busy but could we try dots spiraling in two directions. That may look terrible but I’m curious.
I like the concept a lot. A few thoughts.
I would love a little more color in the design maybe reds and yellows.
In the work that I do I see light coming out of her hearts and moving all around us. It looks iridescent and alive! I appreciate that your silhouette looks like someone who is joyful and happy. I really like it a lot.
With the name I think I would like it all one color. And with tuneup I would like the tea and then you to be capitalized/taller and everything else shorter as in BioEnergetic TuneUp.