BioCare DiagnosticsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BioCare Diagnostics

BioCare Diagnostics has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 226 designs from 35 different designers from around the world.


BioCare Diagnostics is a diagnostic imaging company that provides cardiac and vascular imaging, but also has a large women's division providing digital mammography, OB/GYN ultrasounds along with high risk obstetrical ultrasounds. I would like to see something showing ultrasound waves. We need to gear this to all diagnostic imaging. The logo must be directed to both men and women.
I do like the multicolors, but not that formed. Perhaps something with waves or more abstract, yet simple.
10 years ago
Small C in BioCare.

Can you put Care in burgundy and make Diagnostics in royal blue that "care" is currently in?
10 years ago
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