Do the arrows on the 'b' represent anything to you? Or you just thought they looked good (which they do)?
And a quick change... I definitely don't want to put "SaaS" in the logo as I don't think that's a very common term outside of web development. You could use "Software" instead, I guess?
Hi there, thanks for your feedback. Well, the arrows were to represent data movement (the software) tied in with the letter b, maybe im hitting the wrong ball ?? I will make the changes though to the tagline for you now and will upload again shortly :)
Nope, not hitting the wrong ball at all. I just wanted to make sure I was interpreting it as you intended. I like it.
Although, I can't help but notice that with a few changes where the arrows are... that 'b' would kind of look like an abstract pacifier. That would probably score you huge points if you can pull it off somehow. Even if it looks a little less like a 'b' afterwards.
I'm really excited to see your new design ideas. So far I am not very happy with the work from the other designers. Please don't let me down... I'm counting on you at this point. :) going be a pain here, ive been ill for 2 days so have not had any time at pc, but feeling little better today so ill work on this today. I was struggling on the idea i had in my mind and how it looked when done on pc, so ill need to try some different ways to incorporate the dummy. :)
Thanks for your hard work, these are much better! Number 23 is a close contender. I'm not sure how to verbalize what exactly needs to change, but I think a couple of slight variations might help put you in the top spot. I really like the abstract visual of the pacifier and "B" logo , I had a couple of people look at your mock-up and they weren't sure what the purpose of the design was. Thank you again for listening to my feedback, you're really close on this!
For additional feedback in regards to #23, I think mixing up the orientation might help. I like the design and orientation of #3 where the actual pacifier piece is facing down. Basically, the lower round part of the "b" would be the mouthpiece and the upper straight portion be incorporated into the handle. If you can use this to design the logo with the handle potion included, I think we may be onto something. Thanks!
Hi again Anthony, thanks for some cool feedback. I will work on this more for you as im feeling a little better now, i will probably upload later tonight or in the morning (UK time) :)
I like #62. Is there a way you can get rid of the "B" on "Binky" so that it's just "inky" and then move the image of the pacifier closer so that it uses the "B" in that image to spell Binky again? I hope that makes sense.
Updated the rankings. You're very solidly in second place right now. I think with minor tweaks you could definitely be the winner.
My two issues are: 1) that the 'b' now doesn't look enough like a B, so the logo almost reads as "oinky". 2) now that I've seen other logos with lots of color, I think I prefer that style more than just the pink/blue combo.
You're definitely going to be in the top 5 and I think that with minor changes yours could definitely be the logo I choose for my company. Thanks!!!
Yes! I like that much better. #72 rocks! Thanks so much. I think there are probably some more tweaks we could do but we'll do those after the open phase.
I'm really not sure what to do to make this better. I like the colors and the font. The 'b' / pacifier logo needs some work but I'm not exactly sure what to do to make it the winner. I do think that the 'b' needs to look more like an actual letter 'b'... as I said in a recent comment.
Yeah, they both must be working around the clock. I give them feedback and they post a new entry within a few minutes. It's crazy. Honestly, I feel like I'm cheating them by only paying $425 with how much work they're putting in.
That said, I really liked your designs. Yours were actually my favorite earlier on but I'm guessing you just don't have the time to stay competitive with the other two. They are at this non-stop.
Anyway, Thanks again. I really appreciate your entries.