Hi Happy, We really like this design. We do worry that it could be a bit too feminine. Could we try another yoga pose for the "Y". For instance in the "Y" used in entry #18, its often referred to as dancer pose, it seems less feminine. We really like the concept and would be interested in some other possibilites. Could you please remove the shading from the edges. Thanks, BYoga
Need to work with colors to create more interest. Use our website: www.binghamtonyoga.com for color palette.
Could you try putting a reverse spotlight fade in the center, behind the words? We need a white background around the edges but a soft glow behind the words might really draw the viewer's eye.
#141 is our favorite from your work. And we need to make a few updates:
(1) Take the line out from under Binghamton
(2) Make Yoga darker
(3) Add some sort of very light glow behind the person and extend it out under part of the words. We can't have it go very far above the person though because that height is good.
(4) Anything else you can think of would be appreciated.