hi we like the text in 97 and 96 but can you make it a bit clearer with no parts missing also the symbol needs to be something related to bikram yoga think of things like life energy fun
Hi.... thanks for your feedback and comment :) the font is a modern one and the parts that are missing is because the font is "as it is"... I'll send some update with other similar font more "complete" Also this design has a symbol that are two "person" doing like a movement that have the feeling of "bikram yoga"... both share the "head"... in one the body is like yellow and in the other the body is like burnt orange... i'll send you just the symbol to see how is it exactly (because maybe in the logo is too much small)... also both bodies are like "transparent" and mix the colors creating a nice graphic effect and a metaphorical effect of lightness I hope you like it bests f