I like #7 and #10 because they are simple and bold. #7 - Not really liking the arrow in the letter R. Any ideas on adding a triathlete style bike in it also. #10- Can you perhaps make the top of wheel a road bike wheel (skinny) and the bottom of wheel a mountain bike (bigger and knobby). Need to say we offer more then one type of bike. Thanks!!
I think I like #14 the best, however people are telling me the volcano looks like a hat! Any ideas? I was thinking reshape volcano slightly , add more "ground" on left of volcano and add Mountain biker. Open to your ideas.
On # 15 - I like the idea of trying to make a volcano out of middle of wheel but not sure if it will work. Maybe you can try using a Trispoke wheel (wheel with three spokes) like Hed3 - http://triathlon-gear.trisports.com/sport/Hed%203 Or Can we try something like this? Center wheel in Bike Works. Make half road half mtn. Then put a oval of tropic flavor around whole thing -similar to original logo.
Can you please merge our existing logo and #27? I am thinking keep original font and palm tree in our logo (https://logotournament.com/contest_attach?id=2071) but replace old design of cyclist and volcano with new design in #27.
OK getting close! Thanks for sticking with it. I would like to tweak #33 and #35 just a little bit. #33 - I feel it is a little top heavy- Can you move the bikes and volcano down a little. More space between top of volcano and the palm tree. Also can we see what it looks like with out the white "swoop" going through the bike on right. #35 - Same thing -lower down and take swoop out of bike on left. Big Thank you!
Looking really close. Last thing I have gotten comments on... Is it possible to change the palm tree from the original. People are saying it is hard to tell it is a palm tree.