First.. Like your work. Very nice!! #46 BIGREDTEAM Could I see this text with some differnt fonts that are a little taller. What is most important is that the public will be able to read it easily if they are driving by a yard sign at 55 mph (88 km/hr) Also, could we make the black letters just a tad lighter. Maybe a (.com) vertical/sideways behind it. Not sure if I want that, but it might be an option I would consider. Also, I like the Red for Real Estate Services because it is easier to read. Could those letters be tightened up a bit to make it easier to read?
I like how the house looks kinda like a scope/target... Very creative!!
#47 Ok.. You were correct on the Black lettering instead of the Grey.. Is it too much trouble to go back to black and use a bolder/fatter font and have the letters a little shorter in Big Red Team. I want the .com but not sure if it makes it too busy. What about the .com in some type bubble or in a way that people will know it is also a website. Thanks.