I think this will be the winner! Can you play with the fonts and just upload a few other fonts. I like the simply blocky style letters. This font feels just a little too bunched up to me. Might be a little more readable and appealing in another font but it is great!
Can you make the stethoscope maybe twice a thick so its more exaggerated? I'm thinking this is my favorite but want someone to easily see it and know its a stethoscope even from a distance.
Tough call! I love the one without the star and the one with the star. This is looking very very good! I would move the star over to where its closer to inside where the ear pieces of the stethscope is. That is more of the "Big Country" area. Where it is now is where midland/odessa/lubbock is which isn't my service area.
very nice! love the stethscope. I would get rid of the medical cross and move the star over a little so its more where abilene is. right now the star is too far left. I think the medical cross makes it look a little too busy. Might mock it up without the star too just to see if "less is more". It might look better without the star...not sure.
Thats more like it! I love the easy to read font. Very nice.
On the Texas though, make it a normal texas and try to make that top part more like a neck with a stethoscope around it as if the Texas is a person and he is wearing the stethscope around his neck. Put a star where "Abilene, Texas" is. Thats my home town and part of the "Big Country". That goes perfect with the attitude and feel of my area
I love the bag with a swoosh going across it but it is currently my medical business's logo, partner and I have had a falling out so I can't use it : ( That bag means a lot to me because it is associated with my original business. Maybe try playing around with the outline of Texas and a cross or stethscope hanging around it?
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so , that it is easier for me to place the star .
Thank you.
Best Regards,
On the Texas though, make it a normal texas and try to make that top part more like a neck with a stethoscope around it as if the Texas is a person and he is wearing the stethscope around his neck. Put a star where "Abilene, Texas" is. Thats my home town and part of the "Big Country". That goes perfect with the attitude and feel of my area