Entry # 5 We like the monster behind the words. Don't like the colors so much. Entry #6 We prefer the other monster over this one. Like the CRAZE font too. Not too fond of the BID font though.
We like the monster blue better than pink. Maybe make him have some hair or something? We love the shakey " " things on the CRAZE. We like the glossy effect on the letters. We don't like orange and blue together only. We want more colors in it.
Check out the new picture we added that is of Monsters Inc. See how the little green guy is leaning on the blue monster. That is what we want for our monster leaning on the B possibly. We want a monster that looks like that too :)
We like Entry #26 the best. We like #87, however, we don't like the shadow underneath and the bid letters we like Black like in #26. We like #87 with the Glossy effect over the color. Can you add a similar effect to the monster? Can you make the whole logo bigger as well? The colors in CRAZE we like but can you make them a little less pastel. For example: Can the green R be more of a neon green and the Z pink be more of a hot pink like magenta.
Thanks for the changes, we like the color added to the monster. We prefer the Bid in the logo in the black. We were also wondering if you could provide an option with only black, green, and pink. Maybe the monster could be green? Sorry for any inconvenience, we have had some differences in opinions over exactly what colors should be used. Below I have provided the url for our site so you can match some of the colors. Thanks again for all the updates, we look forward to seeing more : )
no problem for that I've hopefully you can make changes more references to the logo you need and do not hesitate to change the other. thank you kakigawa
Entry #94 we like the BID as BLACK. We like the monster better as blue. In regards to the monster, can you make him smashing the "i" in BID with a gavel and make it appear to be shattering. Can you also make the craze all one color or two.