The colors and shadow effect on the letters looks good, maybe make Craze bigger or tilt the letters. We are also looking for a monster that is round with one eye, similar to the images we added to the description. We would also like the monster to interact with the letters, for example having him peak out from behind the letters or leaning against it.
#84 We really really like the lettering, however, we like the color order in #35 better. We like that he has fingers in 84 too. Can you add legs to the character? In regards to #35 we also like that. Things we would change are the following: no sunglasses or boots, we like interaction with the words like you did in 84, We like fingers too since we would want to use our character on other parts of the website pointing at things ect...
We would like to see the monster holding a gavel smashing the "I" in BID with a shattered glass effect. We like the monster green. For "BID" we want Black and for the CRAZE every other letter we want Green and Pink. The same colors you used previously are great! Love the brightness!
Hi BidCraze, thanks for your comment, but unfortunately a gavel smashing the "i" is matadewa's concept, LogoTournament not allow us to copy another designers concept. So instead of that I'll try another concept for you.