Of your ideas, we like the concept of #52 and #54.
We would like to see #52 in a more subtle color scheme. Play with a couple options if you can.
#54 is neat, but we can't make out if the thread is a "B" or if it is just wrapped around a few times. Also the font is a little too cursive and we have been liking the more simple font styles, as we know it will read better on the fabric labels.
Thanks for your valuable feedback and your high appreciation for my work. Update from my #52 ---> #57 #58 #59 Update from my #54 ---> #60 #61 Please feel free if you want more revision.
We would like to see you work in the earth tone colors (brown, light green, light blue, etc) into #80. I would like to see the graphic image not so "flowing or curvy", but more refined and defined. Also try moving the logo a side of your text. It will probably need to be there for the logo to be sewn into the fabric labels.
Also shoot some ideas over of a more abstract logo too if you want.
Thanks for your nice feedback. from my #80, I make a modification --> more refined and defined ---> check this out #94 #95 #96 #97 this logo will be standing out without text. Please feel free if you want more revision