This design is close to what I'm looking for. I like the logo to the left as you have done however maybe a different logo. Do you have any alternatives?
Apologies I haven't replied sooner as it is difficult to sort through hundreds of designs and then provide feedback when all the designs are so similar. I eliminated most of your designs as the logos you used weren't to my liking compared to those used by other designers. In most part you have the colour scheme and font selection correct.
Dear contest holder, you eliminated all my designs except this one without any comment. But feedback is important here, cause if I can undesrstand better your needs and wishes, then I can provide more suitable designs for you. Currently Im a little bit confused. And let me know please, what kind of logo do you prefer, maybe you have an example? Do you want wordmark? Letterform mark? Wanna hold the old part but add icon? White background?
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