Entry #6 I would like to see a bolder text for BetterHomesandPets.com....i like the paw print for the o in homes. i intend to us this logo from business cards, web, print and large banners. So it need to be scalable.. The design(home, path & pets) seems to big and the tag line seems to small. Overall i like it.
entry #10/ranked #1 Could i see this design with the dog & cat as a silhouette and not colored in black and BetterHomesandPets.com in colors blue and green....leave tagline in black thanks Bill
Thanks for all your hard work.... I will be selecting you and a version of (entry # 18/ Ranked 1st) as my winner i really love it... However i need to review it again with my copywriter and web designer.... they may want to change the word (Owner to Families) and Make the .COM a little easier to read (bolder/bigger) and move logo to center like #11 I will be meeting with them this afternoon. I will get back with you tonight. If you could make a second new (entry # 18/ Ranked 1st) with word (Families instead of Owners) and Make the .COM a little easier to read (bolder/bigger) and make 2nd version Of (entry # 18/ Ranked 1st)-- " Logo Centered over top" ---with word (Families instead of Owners) and Make the .COM a little easier to read (bolder/bigger)