play with the type face of "better bodies" especially "bodies" . you can try outlining, or other subtleword art effects. but what you have here..particuarly with "bodies" is not very appealing to me.
so the problem images are more for fitness industry. My services have nothing to do with exercise or working out and are the kind offered in medical spas that use various technologies to treat problem areas which remove fat , tighten , tone and sculpt. so maybe something a little less fitness model and little more subtle. My vision isnt necessarily of clearly drawn "people" or bodies..more a simple , yet creative design or shape thats convey the message of a contoured, shapely body. One that preferably can be incorporated in the name somehow. With the B’s. doesn’t have to be, its just one idea. Feel free to use creative control if you have other ideas of layouts and ways to display the information. doesnt have to be all "logo first, the information layered beneath it".
and if any figure has to be more dominant, it should be the woman
so the problem images are more for fitness industry. My services have nothing to do with exercise or working out and are the kind offered in medical spas that use various technologies to treat problem areas which remove fat , tighten , tone and sculpt. so maybe something a little less fitness model and little more subtle. My vision isnt necessarily of clearly drawn "people" or bodies..more a simple , yet creative design or shape thats convey the message of a contoured, shapely body. One that preferably can be incorporated in the name somehow. With the B’s. doesn’t have to be, its just one idea. Feel free to use creative control if you have other ideas of layouts and ways to display the information. doesnt have to be all "logo first, the information layered beneath it".
Id like the name "Better Bodies" style to stand out. you can try atypical font shapes , styles, angles. The colors can have highlights around it etc? I also like the idea for the letters to be colored in as with the shaded/faded type font/ styles similar to that used in word art. please re-read brief. I took the time to provide as much detail as I could to help explain exactly what I am and am not looking for. Take a look, it might save us both alot of time. thanks a few thing i wanna do w the text....but first , i dont think i was clear re: the logo. when i suggested making the female in the male/female graphic pink ,i wanted you to use the male graphic too, just keep him black. its important to me that both are shown on the card. thanks
hi. i like it. can you switch the 2nd and 3rd lines please.
and could you move my personal info down towards bottom so you can add my services : Ultrasound Cavitation (or U/S Cavitation if you need space), Radiofrequency, Fat Freezing
and im not crazy about the logo. Im trying to use a graphic that displays an image indicating for men and women. Could you take a look at the image i uploaded of a black sketch of a man and woman and see if maybe you can create something similar (making the woman more PG obviously) and maybe making the woman figure the same coloring pink youre using now in the B ?
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and if any figure has to be more dominant, it should be the woman
Id like the name "Better Bodies" style to stand out. you can try atypical font shapes , styles, angles. The colors can have highlights around it etc? I also like the idea for the letters to be colored in as with the shaded/faded type font/ styles similar to that used in word art. please re-read brief. I took the time to provide as much detail as I could to help explain exactly what I am and am not looking for. Take a look, it might save us both alot of time. thanks
and could you move my personal info down towards bottom so you can add my services : Ultrasound Cavitation (or U/S Cavitation if you need space), Radiofrequency, Fat Freezing
and im not crazy about the logo. Im trying to use a graphic that displays an image indicating for men and women. Could you take a look at the image i uploaded of a black sketch of a man and woman and see if maybe you can create something similar (making the woman more PG obviously) and maybe making the woman figure the same coloring pink youre using now in the B ?