Enrty#31: - I really like what you're doing with the colours coming through the words, could the colours for the word Accounting be the standout colour? - Could there be a grey line running across the top of the slogan The local solution for your business? - Could the slogan not be done in italic? - Could the font for the words be similar to a Microsoft Word Arial Black type font? - Could the letters BAS in the emblem come in from the edges so the B and the S fit in? - Could you flip the green and blue colours around in the emblem? Thanks
Entry #72: - Could the letters BAS in the emblem come in from the edges so the B & the S can be seen as full letters? - Could the slogan not be done in italic font? - Could the slogan be done in uppercase letters? - Could the word Accounting be done in a darker blue than that used for the words Better and Solutions instead of green?