#2 modification request. Can you make "Best" blue with black outline, change the blue wings in the background to the pipes on #9 and chrome like #9. Keep same height and width and angle so add 5 pipes with the same chrome then black, chrome then black like on #9.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my cable internet on my desgn computer (home) is currently out :( I will still be able to work on designs, but I won't be able to post any until some time tomorrow (hopefully)
#20, can you correct the right and left side wings so they all line up on the angle. Looks like the bars rows 2,3,&4 are a little inside the angle if you draw a link from the top and bottom most outside part of the bars. I hop this makes sense, thanks.
Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately I am away from my design computer until approx 6pm (CDT) & I know the contest ends in 2 hours. While in judging mode, I can make changes to the first place design. So if #11 is still in first, I can make the requried changes & post them, then you can re-rank & put #21 in first place for me to be able to post the revised version of that logo. Hopefully this doesn't screw anything up for you, but I am unable to make the changes until later on tonight. Thanks