Good...character needs to be more sophisticated, less cartoonish, rifle and bandoleers ok, backround needs to shift from black, play with it. Mexican flag colors red, green and white. Don Benito is more of a gentleman than a bandit he has fine features and nice clothes although still a revolutionary
This looks real good. Research agave cactus since that is what is used to make tequila and what we want on the label. The bottom banner that states tequila. The word Tequila should be all in the white area of the banner. Lose the butt of the rifle and the rifle sling and add the the word Reposado under the the bottom line of the banner following the same line as the banner. Give us two looks, one that says Reposado and one that says Silver since those are the makes of tequila we will be using for this. Thanks.
here are new entry which have Lose the butt of the rifle and the rifle sling and add the the word Reposado & Silver under the the bottom line of the banner with two option layout each. Thanks.
Nice changes. Left hand looks a little awkward. Can you bring the arm in a little closer to the body. Play with the face of the character to look a little more intimidating or more serious without going over the top. Really trying to avoid the character from being to cartoonish. Finally, completely lose the strap on the rifle. Thanks.