Bench Consulting ServicesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Bench Consulting Services

Bench Consulting Services has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 128 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
#50 my initial concept, out of the box approach.

Here the " B " mark for the initial " BENCH " with an actual " bench " abstract in blue inside it " also could be seen as a letter " C " flipped to form the bench abstract shape " .

So here i played on the actual " bench " shape and incorporated inside the " B " , so to create a unique distinctive icon that relate to your business and brand name in a good / effective / corporate way.

Hope you like it.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
#51 added sun rays coming off behind the bench.

i am thinking of possible things that might relate to your business / services that i can add in there too, if you thought of something let me know, like a bulb for example for thinking ideas , etc

14 years ago
Logo Designer
#52 light bulb on bench abstract idea.

Let me know what you think, but i prefer the simple one with just the bench abstract inside the B here on #50
14 years ago
Hey Kareem, sorry to take so long to get back to you.

Interestingly, that is the style of bench I was envisioning for some banner artwork. I plan on scoping out some spots to shoot with my photographer soon.

As a techno-geeky kinda guy, I love all the flash and chrome and reflections and dressing on graphics but the sensible side realizes that the most effective brands are usually quite sparse. That looks like your thinking as well.

So, as a departure from everything else going on here...could you manipulate #50 to leave off the text and just focus on "Bench" / "BENCH". Actually, it appears the icon matches the font so maybe just a little more focus there. Don't know if this is your custom font. I'm a symmetry bore so the E and C kinda grate on me a bit for being out of sync.
14 years ago
That request sounds confusing. Let me rephrase that.

Manipulating the icon in #50, incorporate the rest of the letters, "e, n, c, h" and scrap the entire company name and slogan.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, will do, and those fonts i customized myself from original fonts, and of different types as well.
14 years ago
#81 - Hmm. Without the rest of the text on there...kinda makes it stand out that the B has a melancholy expression. No, melancholy isn't right.

And by the way, I am clueless. Unlike the judges on the reality shows and cooking battles, the only reason I deserve to be in this seat making comments at all is because I bought the ticket. Please let me know when I make a bone-headed suggestion. Or if you feel you must be polite, ack, just explain it to me like I'm a 7-year old.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
don't worry about it, you are just doing fine. #81 is a bit confusing, so i will forget about it. Here is another out of the box / abstract approaches of mine #84 and #85 , i used the concept of the simple bench and capturing it along with the name " bench ".

now here is the nice catch / catches. the word " bench " itself can form the upper back of the bench that is attached to its base where people rest their backs on, i can make it more clear if you want to.

also, the letters in " bench " , the " enc " are forming two eyes " e " + " c " and a nose " n " with a smile stroke underneath the bench so you can see a full smiling face in there, a bench and its back + your brand name.

all in one smart / abstract mark, that tells a lot :)

let me know what you think of this one.
14 years ago
#85 - funny guy
14 years ago
Logo Designer
adjusted version #86
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#89 simple / elegant / smart / catchy / corporate wordmark :) and captures the bench on which you can play around a lot in different ways in your consulting business. like picture someone sitting on it reading the news paper , or anyone sitting on it doing something ( you can then relate to your clients / service you do / slogan / match it with / etc , endless possibilities on how you can play on your brand name and the " bench " concept " )
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#90 with full com and slogan :) looks good right ? its very practical too, imagine how it would look like on a business card as well, and it is good to make people think for a second and then see that its both an " n " letter and a " bench " at the same time.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Love it!!! #89 and #82 especially. :) Nice work, Daz.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
very clever, clean and modern!! #89
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i will withdraw all those, since they are not working with you and i will try to come up with something different, since it seems that you are liking something has to do with letters / initials / combined with each other sorta style.

14 years ago
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