The biggest problem, however, is my selected name, "Bench" consulting services. I picked it because I wanted to play on the idea of the small projects that consultants focus on between the major stuff. The challenge is its negative connotation, as in the baseball term, riding the bench, which essentially means you are out of work or you are a back-up to the starter.
Because of that, I love the term as a subtle word play, but emphasizing the word seems like it may be loaded. I haven't come to terms yet about that. So, I've been partial to saying Bench Consulting with the Services or even Services, LLC being tagged on. Then, by the time it gets shortened to Bench, it is a colloquial, familiar name instead of a definition.
That may have been the longest explanation ever employed to say ... I'm not sure I like the emphasis on the word Bench.
Having said that ... as if I hadn't rambled enough ... the other aspect of the word is a bench of players to choose from. The consortium is made up of working professionals who extend their experience to a market segment usually forced to settle for mediocre or hobbyist solutions.
Actually, the concept is similar to what LogoTournament is doing. I have incredible designers from all over the world working on my task that I was previously trying to do in MS Paint.
So, in that sense, Bench is a positive connotation like a judicial bench of top arbitrators.
So there is my challenge. If I brand as Bench, I need the iconic brand to reflect the positive nature of the word. Tough assignment. If I brand as Bench Consulting, I could probably get away with anything.
#18 - alphabet soup :) but the art is still nice. #19 - not getting into the symbol #20 - You did what I said. And I was wrong. Text seems to be out of balance.