Not enough detail of flower. Check out campanula to see what one looks like. Business is more of a landscaping company than florist. Can you make the angle on the stem less linear and more curvey!!!!!
number 23. We really like this font. Could you make the stem lass angular and more curved and perhaps make the blossum look more like a campanula and less like a star.
Lass Please keep trying in this contest - I like your work the best!
I love the logo font and the size of the "plantings with Pizazz" in the design #69. What I think both of us owners are looking for is a way to make the flower "hang" in a downward fashion from the stem ( see design with fern-frond stems in box) and to have the stems originate from the ending of one of the letters. For instance on design 69, you could have the stem come out of the end of the letter e at the end of the word belle.
I still like this font the best. Entry # 89 is getting closer. Look at the other designs - we really like a high-arching stem. The one you added to the "e" would flow better if it arched above the F and L of flower and had a more prominent bell-shaped flower on the end of it. The flower you added this last time is a bit small fot the bold font. Merci!!!