I think this is it! Looks great. Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the States and we have friends and family who will be visiting. I want to ask a couple of them what their color preferences are, but both my partner and I agree that we like this one. Thanks!
You are doing a great job. I am assuming that English is a second language for you since you are from Indonesia.. (Maybe I'm wrong!) but if it is, I am really impressed with how you take my comments and make them look great! You have a really amazing talent. It would be hard to do this, even if English is your first language! So either way, great work.
This is it! Looks awesome. One more request. Could you make the blue just a bit darker, but not as dark as previously? I am sure these requests are annoying, but we want to make sure it is perfect. :) Thanks.
Okay a couple of thoughts on this one. Can you make the brown darker and leave everything else as is. And then one with the darker brown and also make the "speed marks" behind the bee the same brown?
Wow. You’ve done an amazing job. Super impressed. This is what we are looking for! One thing my partner asked to see: Would it be possible to take this rendition and change the black to brown on everything EXCEPT the bee? So the lettering, circle and coffee cup, make brown? (The interior of the truck has brown cabinets and the outside awning is a brown stripe so it might be nice if the logo tied these colors together.) I don’t know if it will look odd, but it’s worth considering. Thank you!
Thanks for these. This is what we are looking for, but keep the same font and outline the circle in black...just like #66. Also, keep the "Bringing the Buzz to you" in black with the white outline. Does that make sense? If I am confusing, please let me know!
OMG! You nailed it! We both love it! Would it be possible to leave the outline of the circle as well as the lettering like you had it before, but just had a bit of white "shading" around the letters? I'm sorry I don't know the technical term for this, or a better way to describe.
Now I am just being picky...but...there is something that I don't quite like about the mug. I'm not sure why? Perhaps reduce it just a tiny bit? Or do you have an idea for something else? Sorry for all the messages...just want to make sure we get this right! Thanks.
This might be a game changer. I am liking it more and more...wondering if it would be possible to give him little hands on the coffee cup? I don't know if that will work or just look silly?
Hello! Thank you for submitting your design. It is really cute! I just uploaded two more files with screenshots of another company's logo and foodtruck that I think will help you understand a bit more of what I am looking for. They are titled screenshot 53 and 55. Molly Moon has a great logo. I like the idea of keeping the lettering white as it stands out against the blue truck really well! I like your bee, however, I think it needs to have a bit more "life" in him. Less static. More like the image of the red bee I uploaded. I also like the idea of a circle logo, again like Molly Moon's. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Hello! I am really liking your idea here. My business partner will not be available until a bit later today. Will provide some more feedback then. Thanks!
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I really love the smile on the bee! He is adorable!
Any feedback for this design?