I really like these. My husband is helping me decide. On #40 (which is currently my favorite) I get the red dash in my initials and in my name (and like it). But is there a way to another one the same but without the dash in the initial so my husband can look at it side by side with the one you've already done? While you are at it, could you do one with the dash in my name black versus red so we can compare that to this one also?
I want to thank you very much for all the extra designs you provided today. If you see that I extended this phase by one day it's because I had an unexpected work emergency come up today that took all day and I basically lost one entire day out of this two day phase. There are still 5 of your designs that I have yet to rank and that is only because they are similar variations of the one I currently have ranked 4th and I'm having trouble deciding between them (in a good way). I think the variations are great and I am actively thinking about them. I will sleep on it now and look fresh in the morning and rank these 5 (just didn't want you to withdraw them or think I was ignoring them!). If after looking at them fresh in the morning I have any changes I'd like to see I'll let you know! Thanks again for all the hard work!!!