On #21 - is there a way to see a version of this will the tag line moved to the bottom to be under both the house logo and my name and initials so it's easier to read? and perhaps another one without the tag line?
on #23 - I like this but my name and the tag line seem small and hard to read. Not sure if there is a way to design it where those are easier to read? thought about just stretching everything out but then not sure the house over the initials portion will look right? Don't know...this is my struggle with this one. :)
just occurred to me that you might not be able to see the numbering the same way I can and I referenced those numbers in my comments. to clarify, the one I referred to as #21 is the one ranked 16th (has a square house logo in it) and the one I referred to as #23 is the one ranked 19th. :)