Thank you for your designs. We would like to stay away from mountains and hills and go with more a wooded trail and creek look. No mountains in Missouri! Looking forward to seeing more from you. Thanks again.
You're on there now! I just had a minute to look closer at your designs too. I like 56. Could you please add a little more color (multiple colors is fine) and take off Columbia MO making Half Marathon more prominent. Thank you!
On #66, we would like to see it without the people and add a creek in with the trees. Also with more fall color (in the trees) and maybe try a more rust color in place of the orange/peach color. This is a fall event so we want it to have a fall color feel. Once the runners are removed, bring the hill on the far upper right back down to enclose the image a bit. I know this is a lot of changes, but it will get us close to what we are looking for. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you!