thnx for your entry! i love the changing colours of the flower with the ppl in it. i would love to see be wonderful in red and/or yellow. i do like the "soft" exclamation mark and the way u highlighted change.
thnx!! i likek #275 best! id love to see the space between be and wonderful like in #105. i do like the fonts u use and would like 2 see the "life is..." in petrol. im not sure, if i go more for the one person in the image or the three, so - if its no bother, id like to see both version.
i like the petrol and im not sure about the leaves. now it looks a bit lik a waterlilly 2 me. i liked the more abstract design u used before. and its very beautiful!
wonderful! i like them all :) id really cool to see #283 with the hands intertwined, like u did in #277. id like to see #283 and #284 with the colours, u used in #277, to be able to compare them. if i like one person or more wont be decided till the very end ;)
thnx for ur inspiration!
and ill look at the circle to - its also fascinating!
hi, i still love #303, the one thing im looking for, is something that will bring in some asymetrical aspect. i can think of the second line moving a bit to the rite, or the person tilting a bit to rite, for example ...
cool, i like the tree in #470, just 2 much black for me.
i love the little figure u put into #457 and would love 2 c u do some colourvariations with this one (eg like #277 the colours only) i like the shape of #457
thnx! i like #827 best! about the life is change is life: i dont see it straight center. i could imagine it moving a bit to the left, and i can c it a bit bigger, maybe in fonts a bit closer to the ones u use for the be wonderful. thnx for all the variation - and i do like the close up :) regards tom
yes #827 i have increased the font size of "life is change is life" and moved it bit closer to bewonderful ! If you need any change in this, let me know.
I would like to thank you for such a great support and responses.