I apologize for the bizarre attachments. I just reattached them and I hope they are correct this time. In reference to example #1 In love the F in the background, not sure about the rest. In my first attachment the first example with pink background, the smaller "be" And the larger F's in FashionForward, is really the look I am going after. I you could work off of that idea I'd love to see it!
entry #2, I love the idea of the large F in the background. I would like to see the "be" smaller than the FashionForward. I would also like to see a more sophisticated font for all the words and have the forward leaning forward.
#6 I love the idea of a woman or silhouette of a woman as the "I" in Fashion, but would like to see a different image. I also would like a different font and have the "forward" leaning forward and the "be" smaller.
#1 I like the large F for fashion and forward and like the idea of an image in background of the "be", but not a heart, maybe something more modern and sophisticated. I also love the idea of the letters leaning forward. I am not sold on the font and would like to see a different one.
I know you are on the right track with the earlier examples. If you look at my contest brief in the first zip file attached, the the first example with the pink background....I dids that and I like the look of it I just would like to see see how you could enhance it with some of the examples you did, such as the woman image as the I. Let me know if you understand which example I am referring to from my attachments.
#6- Still really like the idea of woman as "I" in fashion, but need a different image. - like the "be" in a circle and that it is in lowercase letters - would like to see Forward italicized so it gives appearance of it moving forward.
# 47- Really like F image in background - still would like to see "be" smaller -I like the "Forward" leaning forward - woulds like to see a softer font, current font feels very stiff.
#38- Like the F's layered for logo- but fonts of the F's are too different in feel- would like to see large F form #47 and a different more comp[limentray font fo the other F -like the F'Forward" leaning forward.- -would like to see different font for "Fashion Forward"" so it is more complimentary to the F's logo idea -"be" still needs to be smaller
#62 Like the smaller font for "be" would like to see larger "F" watermark like the Forward leaning forward still not feeling the font for FashionForward
#103 My favorite part is the watermark F. The " Be" needs to be in all lowercase and I would like to see it followed by .... as if to say "become more fashion forward". The way the Forward is overlapping the Fashion makes it hard to see clearly what it is saying.
Here is where I am at. I love the idea of a watermark with two F's somehow intertwined with one F in straight up and down font and the other in a forward leaning font. I am not sold on any of the fonts you have shown. I am looking on line right now at different free font downloads. Is it possible to send you what I like when i find it? In the meantime if you have any other modern fashionable fonts in mind aside from the ones you have already shown me, I would love to see them.
Again, if you could refer to the first example in the first attachment on my contest brief page to refer to that would be great. The one with pink background and be.... FashionForward. I feel like we are getting somewhere, just haven't reached it yet.
I like #133. I would like to see it all one color. Also....
Look at #38 The 2 F's....This is the idea behind the Font examples of Initials I attached to my contest brief page.I would love a Logo or watermark with the Two F's.