This is a very simple logo which build from word and symbol which will make word be and become. 1. Reverse "&" symbol : this mean "B" or "be" also "and" 2. the word "come" , all that will be combine to make the word be and become I wish you like this concept,
Entry 28: Hello Jim,thank you for your good efforts! I believe this logo is for me too serious and not obvious enough on the first sight. I need people to be able to see from the first view what the logo means,what we want to show and I need the clients to get THE great impression right away. With this I needed to take some time to figure out what it meant and that's why it wont be appropriate for my business.Also I dont really like the writing style,same as in the other two logos.If you have time to do more,I'd really apreciate a logo with more softer colours,a different,more friendly writing style and a different drawing.
Entry 29 Eventhough i really like the idea of two people holding each other,this picture is way too serious and business like to me. I need more movement in my drawings,more character,more efforts and less like a statue if you know what i mean. Again i dont reeally like this writing style.
Entry 55 and 54 As you see,i really like 45 but these are not at all what I'm looking for. it looks too female,i need it to be nice for male and female,the colours are too female and the background needs to be plain white..
Entry #95 Well.. I do a little change about the logo. I added element of the sun that represents warmth and happiness. the green element that shape like human represents live your life to the fullest and growth. I hope you'll like it. Please let me know what you think.