#27 Good with a new font for the BC. It is a bit to bold. I would like to outline to be a bit thinner. Perhaps with the back glow on this? The N in shop has been changed to an H. That is good, but please try with a different font. I like the jesterhat, but dont put a nose on it.
Perhaps try to give the B the hat on? I would like a cartoon like drawing, and the style in the hat is the right way. Perhaps we need a guy juggling, unicycling or something. Perhaps with the hat, perhaps still with the hat on the letters.
I really like #39. The hat is very cool, but it only says circus if you know the way we are performing. BC comes from BalloonCircus, but need not effect the font. I like the look of balloons as letters, but perhaps someting more cool and streetwise?
#33 a funny guy bit a bit scarry. Perhaps a guy not splitting BC and shop. Perhaps doing something in the air, juggling flaming touches?
#49 The balloon guy is not the right figure. We only have one opening in the balloons so it is not possible what he is doing ;) I love the bowlerhat. I just dont know how to use it in a better way. Perhaps the bowler on a letter instead of the jesterhat and a different figure - not in a balloon?
hi lars, how are u today? sorry, i just came back with new suggestion for your logo. i did not make some figure. please judge by your demands. for your own shop. a lot of circus stuff i added. hope u like it.