BCshopLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / BCshop BCshop has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 119 designs from 18 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by GoodGuy Design Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #28 Withdrawn Prefers others. #29 Discussion GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Here is my initial concept for your consideration. It is a custom playful typeface, in combination with a circus-type star pattern. More ideas to come...Thanks for looking.(This comment references Entry #28) 15 years ago BallonCirkus Client #28 I has a happy and fun feel to it. I like the look. The style of the fill is a bit to much tv show. Jepardy or the one with a wheel.I would like to have a cartoon of a guy in the logo. Perhaps a guy juggling, unicycling, doing diabolo or all at once.I should be a guy that could be used alone as a icon but also to show more what we are selling. 15 years ago