I really liked the design! Both of them but entry#26 really caught my eye. I started smiling when I saw the bird, even though its a bird from galapagos so you might try with something more african =) but I think it needs something more to pull the logo back to the concept of the site...and to africa =)
Oh my bad on that then! Maybe it migrates here to there!
I really liked the mask! I think that's something we can really use in promotions! And bear with me I'm not a pro art critic but I'm going to do my best in give more pointers:
1.Could you make it on a white BG? It's easier to visualize the logo on all the pieces we're going to be producing, t-shirts etc. Nevertheless I like the gradient effect from the center.. 2. I guess we've reached the stage where I start to go into details: could you try out more effects for the letters themselves? Maybe make them shining, gradients and filters? In my view its already got the "fun" component down, the "africa" is definetly there but it needs a little bit of snazzy =)
dear contest holder, since another designer has used arrow in their z before me. I have to put all my entries down and going to submit new one, without arrow on the Z. :)
Wow now even by yourself you're making it hard on me to pick from!
Nice work!
I didn't know you were able to see all the other designs. There is alot of arrows going on and maybe that's something my site makes people think about =) In any case I won't be able to give detailed feedback right now but maybe a little later ok?
Hope you're doing fine! So what I have to say...the last enrty was a bit too voodoo for us (we love it though) but I think it would be mistaken for something in the caribeans =). But still I think that's the way to go and perhaps experimenting with different color schemes. Another question that we are having is if we could market this logo to a more "posh" audience. Could you send your thoughts on that? Maybe the letters would have to be a little more modern looking.