This first entry is an architectural illustration and although time intensive esp. if more detail is added...the lines may be altered as well as the color choices... Do you want to add a line of the year it was built?
I'm looking forward to your input. Thank you, Tere
Please tell me I got the right home!!...I got it off Facebook and thought it was yours. You mentioned that you attached some photos of your home from Christmas so I really took a chance doing that before checking with you!
If I made a mistake it is a really big mistake...either way it was fun drawing it... Maybe I went overboard...
Tere, You got the right photo and did an incredible job. I like it. I sorry for the delay in responding. I am off to a meeting but promise to give detailed feedback this evening. We are noodling over if we want the house in the logo, perfect for some things like business cards, stationary, etc....but maybe not for our sign. Thinking.
#9 can you add some other plants around the base of the house ( we are doing landscaping this spring so something will eventually be there) Change font to more of a green/blue. And maybe give me another font options ( I like fonts in #11, #12)
#13, #14, #15 dont care for these but I do think I like the font, not sure.
I am uloading the 3 with the font changes for you.
You mentioned 'green blue' so I chose a color in that range...if it isn't what want I will adjust that for you.
Also, 13 to 15 I need to withdraw them since you don't want these...I need them for another project....but I did change and use this font on the 3rd variation for you.
Tamnjy, Thank you...If you think of anything else let me know...I assumed you were going to add shrubs but can draw different plants...but the details being small will still need to be only representative..
Hi Tammy I was thinking about how the architectural drawing will hold up for you on small printing... One thing that could be done is only use 2 colors, Black and one color wash and make sure the background % is low % so that the color doesn't interfere with the lines.
Either way, there are many variations that can be done to make it work.
Are you still interested in my #42 entry as a secondary logo for your business cards?...I was going to remove it since you moved it down pretty far in your ranking.. Are there any other revisions to improve my designs that you might like to see? Changes in layout, fonts, colors may interchange and pick and choose any elements you like to form a new layout.
I'm not sure you are receiving these messages...I will be checking to see if you have any input... During the Phase 5 only the top 5 may enter revisions and in Judging only the 1st place may enter revisions. You may move the designs up and down as you want.
I removed the offense...I assume since I haven't heard from you that you are no longer interested...I have too much on my portfolio since everything viewed.
If you are interested in the architectural illustration after the contest you may contact me through LT.