Seagulls are big around here...take a look at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel logo...any way you can use a seagull instead of the bird you have in now? Don't take it out of all...still looking at the ones you currently have up!
I like #25 of all of them the best. I like #28 and the shaded quality of the image, but the swirl eventhough I like it makes is hard to figure out it is a bird.
Also take a look at images of Cape Charles fishing pier and sunset....might inspire.
Thank you for the feedback. I wanted to offer a tranquil scene without it getting very complicated. I will work on the other designs with a seagull rather than a pelican. I only have an hour left before the contest goes into Top 5 mode. At that point only the top 5 designers (not designs) will be able to upload.
I just saw your comments. Yes, the 5 highest rated "individual designers" can work on revisions and submit. When the contest goes into judging then it will only be the top designers (which would naturally raked in first) can submit. If you have any question, just feel free to ask admin or even any designer here. They are all top notch people and willing to help out. :)
I think we would like to see #72, 67 75 with a oval or some shape around it like you did in #50 ( ideas of something other than oval is fine) don't would like to keep what you currently have to compare it too.
Are you okay if I take away those designs I know we do not want? Didn't want to offend.
Hi Tammy, By all means go ahead and remove the designs that you no longer need. I have been withdrawing a few, but was not sure which you may want for reference.
I'm working on the other changes. Thanks for the feedback.