initial feedback is that just lettering could be anybody. Are you up for an entirely new design?
If so, Here's the deal:
KEY MESSAGE TO CONVEY is hopeful, inspired, transformed -- elicit emotion in a subtle way -- USE COLOR but uplifting blends (can be pastel or brilliant) -- not dark or heavy. Abstract but implying joy, hope
don't like all caps "hypnotherapy" and tag line left out -- let's play with some variations, not loving the big A (I know I presented that idea but it's cold)
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If so, Here's the deal:
KEY MESSAGE TO CONVEY is hopeful, inspired, transformed -- elicit emotion in a subtle way -- USE COLOR but uplifting blends (can be pastel or brilliant) -- not dark or heavy. Abstract but implying joy, hope
include "Love Your LIfe Again" very important, play with design