Another great concept. I think I'd like a slightly darker blue.
And I wonder, what would it look like if it said:
Love Your Life Again (still green)
Hypnotherapy (still blue)
I'd like to see how it looks to highlight Love Your Life Again and reduce Hypnotherapy -- clients want the joy back in their lives. Potential clients eye's should go straight to that, as hypnosis is just an abstract thing to them. Sell the sizzle, not the steak, right?
Awesome. Like it. Could I also see one with "Bay Area" the larger font and "Hypnotherapy" the smaller font?
And "Love Your Life Again" the more lime green color in the image?
I like the roads leading up (leading to limitless possibility!)
KEY MESSAGE TO CONVEY is hopeful, inspired, transformed -- elicit emotion in a subtle way -- USE COLOR but uplifting blends (can be pastel or brilliant) -- not dark or heavy. Abstract but implying joy, hope
Interesting, different from the others I've seen.
Suggestions: softer colors (I want inspirational, softer blues, some light green accents
Don't like all caps for "Hypnotherapy"
Play with color "Bay Area Hypnotherapy" in a midnight blue? other? and "Love Your Life Again" in a soft green?
could the blue sky be lighter and could the edges be less defined (ethereal)
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And I wonder, what would it look like if it said:
Love Your Life Again (still green)
Hypnotherapy (still blue)
I'd like to see how it looks to highlight Love Your Life Again and reduce Hypnotherapy -- clients want the joy back in their lives. Potential clients eye's should go straight to that, as hypnosis is just an abstract thing to them. Sell the sizzle, not the steak, right?
And "Love Your Life Again" the more lime green color in the image?
I like the roads leading up (leading to limitless possibility!)
Suggestions: softer colors (I want inspirational, softer blues, some light green accents
Don't like all caps for "Hypnotherapy"
Play with color "Bay Area Hypnotherapy" in a midnight blue? other? and "Love Your Life Again" in a soft green?
could the blue sky be lighter and could the edges be less defined (ethereal)