We really like a more squared font like the one you are using for the Novus Career Logo you have worked on. We realize too, that changing the font may mean reworking the logo-form "B".
This concept is growing on us. Could you:
1. provide variations using different fonts on the the word BAUER?
2. Keep the fonts on the stacked words (we really like that font selection)
3. Change stacked words to black
4. Keep the arrow-form in blue, but change the shade to match a Pantone 287 C.
We really like your fresh idea on the "B", and after seeing several entries, we agree that we prefer to see only the word BAUER as the dominant word. "LEADERSHIP" can be changed to the same size and style as "CONSULTING GROUP". Let's KEEP the "B", and see what you can do to work with the arrangement. Great start, MANTABJAYA!
We like what you have started here... especially the E.
Question: Can you place small arrow heads on the E lines, pointing to the right, and also make the center the longest, while making the top and bottom lines the same lenght, but shorter (think of Geese flying in formation)? Great Job!
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Can you play that?
1. provide variations using different fonts on the the word BAUER?
2. Keep the fonts on the stacked words (we really like that font selection)
3. Change stacked words to black
4. Keep the arrow-form in blue, but change the shade to match a Pantone 287 C.
Thank you.
We really like your fresh idea on the "B", and after seeing several entries, we agree that we prefer to see only the word BAUER as the dominant word. "LEADERSHIP" can be changed to the same size and style as "CONSULTING GROUP". Let's KEEP the "B", and see what you can do to work with the arrangement. Great start, MANTABJAYA!
Question: Can you place small arrow heads on the E lines, pointing to the right, and also make the center the longest, while making the top and bottom lines the same lenght, but shorter (think of Geese flying in formation)? Great Job!