definitley like the rounded square better, but seems confusing in there with the B's. We really want it clean & easy to understand, yet interesting and not super cliche "toothy" Can we see a couple more options that look less busy? THANKS!!!
LOVE #102. Can you put the artwork in between the word Bauer & Bauer (similar to the one ranked #1). Would love to see how that looks!! Thank you so much@!
Getting so close! They all look fantastic! I'm not sure how we will choose!!! #108- can you incorportae either an "&" or a "+" in the middle of the B's and maybe no "tail" on the B's?
Thank you! I'm not at home now but should be back later. By then it will be in judging phase where only first place can make changes. I might not be able to make a tooth in the design I will make this the perfect fit for you though Take care Kent
we like #113 & 115 (not yours). we feel we DO need a tooth somehow in there. Possibly instead of the gray box, make that an outline of a tooth around the BB? Sorry & thx!
Hi Kent, we sent emails to "poll" friends. family, and existing patients. Here was feedback: We love the modern-ness of the BB logo, but seems confusing and the modern feel needs something strong & classic to stand out from the other logos. Pretty much, we love everything about #113 except the lack of a tooth. I'm thinking a nice modern look of a gray outline tooth, possibly with smaller B's in it. I certainly want to see what you come up with though, as I like your taste. Thanks again, Kent. We value feedback from friends & current patients since they are our demographic and we want what makes sense to them!!
#126 is better! Still seems like the tooth looks so big though. And it does look a little confusing in there with the B's and the + sign inside. Is it possible to embed the tooth into the design? Or embed the B's into the tooth? Thanks!
#128- size of tooth is better, still looks really busy though now with the + and whatnot. I feel so bad making you do so much work. My husband is not liking the "style" of the tooth at all though. I hate to keep making you change things.
I don't mind working on it till it's just right. One thing I like about the tooth is that it is white. What kind of guidance can you give me about the tooth you want to see? Maybe I can do the + really big Thank you Check out the top left. You don't have to make the roots look that long, you can "cut them off" kind of the way they cut out part of the side of the tooth. That's what he likes. BUT, the BB will not look very good in there, may have to just make a + in there? To look like a bracket possibly? Thanks a lot!