I like it but it needs to be a soldier with the soft cap (as before) and no rifle. These are dogs and soldiers/veterans helping each other in a peace environment.
Very nice! I'm not sure if I like that better than you others but that's a very good revision, and it would make for easier printing on shirts. Thanks, Santi!
Very clever treatment! That really shows off the dog and soldier, but the flag is too subdued here. I like the 3 stars and I'd actually like to see one more on each side. Thank you, Santi!
Hi, how are you? I just uploaded a new version with a totally different imagery, way lighter with the dog and owner looking at each other, owner with arm to dog and dog with leg to owner. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Santi.
Santi, The soldier still needs work. I love that you have him kneeling next to the dog with his arm around him. But something still isn't right... Could you change his helmet to a cap instead? And he's still pretty dark.
I keep looking back to your first submission with the dog as blue — that still looks very cool to me.
No worries, just uploaded a revised version with these changes. I like the current version more since the silhouettes are more separate which I think is clearer in smaller sizes, with the dog facing the soldier their bodies overlap. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Santi.
Haven't heard back from my partner yet for his opinion.
Please change the tagline text to "Purpose & Peace — Veterans & Dogs"
Can I see what how it would look with the dog FACING the soldier? And can the dog's head be modified so that he's looking AT the soldier rather than UP? I'd like to know your opinion on which expresses "partnership" better.
NICE! That may be too much distressing to be printed/reproduced well but it looks really cool! I'll forward this to my partner and get back to you. Thank you!
Sorry, just remembered: Could you show me something different regarding the outer edge of the dog tag? Maybe a subtle raised/embossed look around the edge or something?... Thanks.
I'm still working on the tagline but I appreciate you putting in that additional text.
The dog is great—I have an Australian Cattle Dog.
The rifle in the ground with the helmet on it symbolizes "fallen" soldiers, though, so we don't want to use that even though the image is great. We need a soldier/person in uniform there. But maybe it doesn't have to be the complete person...maybe show the legs with a hand reaching down to the dog's head?... You'll come up with something cool since you're a great designer!
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I'll forward this to my partner tonight and be Babi in touch tomorrow. Thanks!
Can you use the darker blue?
And please revert to the diagonal stripes as you had previously. Thanks, Santi!
Could you move up the background so there's no blue showing between the T and T?
Also, would you adjust the kerning between the A and the T so they are closer/tighter? Thank you.
Thanks for adjusting the star but I think the detail in it gets lost in the distressing around it.
I see why you did the gray fills inside the dog and soldier but I liked it better previously.
I'll show this to my partner and get back to you.
Thanks very much for being so responsive!
I love the star up top, too. Can you do me a favor and change the star to another color. There's something about red stars that I just don't like :-)
Can you show me the dog with pricked/erect ears like an Australian cattle dog or German Shepherd?
Thanks so much! Your revisions have been so enjoyable to receive.
I keep looking back to your first submission with the dog as blue — that still looks very cool to me.
I need to look over all the submissions a bit and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Thanks for being so responsive!
Please change the tagline text to "Purpose & Peace — Veterans & Dogs"
Can I see what how it would look with the dog FACING the soldier? And can the dog's head be modified so that he's looking AT the soldier rather than UP? I'd like to know your opinion on which expresses "partnership" better.
Thank you.
Can you adjust the shading of the dog and soldier so they're more "even"? He's pretty dark and the dog is pretty light. Thanks.
Did I mention how much I like the distressed font and the illustration style of the dog? VERY cool!
LOVE the flag in the background!
I'm still working on the tagline but I appreciate you putting in that additional text.
The dog is great—I have an Australian Cattle Dog.
The rifle in the ground with the helmet on it symbolizes "fallen" soldiers, though, so we don't want to use that even though the image is great. We need a soldier/person in uniform there. But maybe it doesn't have to be the complete person...maybe show the legs with a hand reaching down to the dog's head?... You'll come up with something cool since you're a great designer!
Thank you! Looking forward to more from you!