Nope - I know it was my idea, but unless that can somehow look like the sun, it is out. I was thinking of replacing the whole letter "A" - but looking at that one, it doesn't look too promising
Nah, good try, but too complicated-looking, I think. Do you think it is worth trying putting that image behind everything (larger) and centring the text?? Or, if somehow you could place it so that the "Li" in Lithium was inside the nucleus/sun?? Again, I think it is getting to be a whole new design, and I don't like the "buzzy" feel of the orbitals anyway.
Hi. Thanks. I think the word "Advancement" kinda says it already. Not sure I need Sparky, as much as I like him. Unless we can make the mascot look like he has just gotten his second life somehow.... face included. Might need a whole new design though.
Nah, too complicated. What about just a smaller orange circle inside the sun, and no sparky guy. If the lightning-bolt letters work..... (comments on other submission, just sent)
Would it work to replace the "A" and the "E" in BATTERY with a lightning-bolt? Remove it from the nucleus, and put "Li" in there?? Green electrons?? Play around with colour a bit. Thanks. I haven't looked at the other ones yet.
this was my first thought...didn't upload it cause i saw your lightning man and thought you might want to stick with it...
it already looks like a mascot, so arms and legs are only complicating the things... your thought ?
#23 and #24 -
reworked hands/legs , as i said, more in line with the overall look... removed the nose :)
used in the other one the atom...but i might need your help there.
hey :)
the doggie nose is a glitch... a small circle used for alignment that went along with the others :) easily removable.
hands and legs might need to be more like in style of the lightning bolt...i'll prepare a version.
The atom might work... a bit abstracted/artistic , and the sun as is below it just round in shape... i'll prepare that too..
Another idea - what if you removed the running man altogether? Simplify. Could you enhance that (rising) sun enough so that it worked by itself?? Could something like this be incorporated: scroll down and you will see a model of the nucleus and 3 orbiting electrons. If that could also look like a sun - ???
I think the style of the arms/legs has to change, and maybe Sparkie should be a little smaller? I don't know if I sent the wrong file or what, but I don't want the doggie-nose on there.
Not much to say here, David! Nice job on placement and shading on the Sun, and use of colours. Both parts of the Logo could stand alone, which I like. "Lithium Revival" sounds pretty good too.
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it already looks like a mascot, so arms and legs are only complicating the things... your thought ?
reworked hands/legs , as i said, more in line with the overall look... removed the nose :)
used in the other one the atom...but i might need your help there.
the doggie nose is a glitch... a small circle used for alignment that went along with the others :) easily removable.
hands and legs might need to be more like in style of the lightning bolt...i'll prepare a version.
The atom might work... a bit abstracted/artistic , and the sun as is below it just round in shape... i'll prepare that too..
although i have to admit you did the heavy lifting :)
best regards.