Better! Make it a little hotter in the middle. the blue is a little too dark on the top.
Add a stroke around "Barry's" so its a little more prominent.
Move Inc below Security Services and spell it out "INCORPORATED" and put a .05 pt line in the middle on each side so it is the same length. See a couple of the other logos for reference.
Lastly, why is there white in the center of the eagle.
Add a tint of blue in the white areas at top and behind the eagle. Use a hot spot down the middle of the blue so it's lighter in the middle and gets darker towards the left and right.
This has too much emphasis on the Eagle.
Do another version with the Eagle below Barry’s and reduce the size. Logo need a little depth like my 1st ranking logo.
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Add a stroke around "Barry's" so its a little more prominent.
Move Inc below Security Services and spell it out "INCORPORATED" and put a .05 pt line in the middle on each side so it is the same length. See a couple of the other logos for reference.
Lastly, why is there white in the center of the eagle.
Do another version with the Eagle below Barry’s and reduce the size. Logo need a little depth like my 1st ranking logo.