I wanted to show more of a sense of community with multiple people. Also, by having the figures angled out, it gives a sense of well being (uplifting if you will.) Your thoughts and suggestions for revision are very welcome. Thanks :)
#107. Simply amazing! Can you create a few more renditions of this with different typefaces, we really love the community effect. Other colors, black, vibrant, etc. and some with a few lighter line weights for better balance...amazing!
Thank you very much for the feedback. It really helps to get a feel of the direction. I'll get to work on the revisions you requested. Please let me know if there is any other change or revision, you'd like to see.
#107. Liking it! Can we simplify the typeface making it very basic and straighter as well as just using black or dark grey for the text. No San serifs, basic. Really good!