Ysonmez - Great Work... #5 is one of our favorites, the use of color is very good, I just wish we could get the ".com" to standout a bit more like you did with #1. The big bold letters in #5 are the right direction, so if you can we would like to see a horizontal approach to #1 by putting the letters on the right side of the BSC. Let's give that a try...
Great submissions - #20 and #18 look great... Can we play with #4 just a bit? The BSC looks perfect, can we make the text below a bit larger so that it is wider than the logo... Keep the font the same for #4, just expand the size of the "BANNER STAND CENTRAL.com" please to make it pop.
Love the new designs, but can the actual banner stand turn the other way so it is facing the text? Also can you play around with the design on the banner stand a bit? Not loving the grey text. Can you play around with the color and look of the lettering?
#70 is looking better but I still don't know if the little icon that is on the banner stand is all the way there for what we are looking for. Can you please try to revise that part and do several versions that look different? I think you are on the right track for sure.
I think the length of the banner stand in #65 and #66 are better - taller. We are having a problem deciding on which of your designs we like best, if you win, will we get all of your submissions as a package to decide later on which we would use for our site?
I must say that #61 is my favorite Graphic that is on the actual Banner Stand, but I like the Taller and RIGHT facing Stand in #65, so can you put the graphic onto #65, OR give me a version of #61 with Color Text?