Erwin72 - We love the design on both of your entries, although the lettering/text can be a bit more aggressive as seen in #5. The animated design you have is the best we've seen, so if you can modify the text to make it standout you will be on the right track.
We really like your new submissions with #29 being our favorite - Can you expand the size of the font a bit, and make it wider like #27 ... that would help a bit.
Also, can you try a variation with putting the letters BCS on the three stands you've created, I'd like to see how that looks with the lettering inside.
#39 and #40 look great - Only problem we have is the color of the font - It's very hard to read and looks too BUBLY... see if you can change up the font, but the size is great, and the effects are great as well!
#41 is great - "Banner" is spelled wrong, and the blue is a bit too dark, it doesn't match the brightness of the logo. It needs some red... let's try making BANNER red with a gradient and some style, but the size is great.
Can we please try #48 without the HEADS on the stands... they look like people, so let's cut off their heads to make it look more like banner stands and see if that works better.