I like #71, can you make this come to life a little more? It looks flat and doesn't have a lot of dimension, can you try to change that? Also the colors aren't quite there either, they need to "pop" more.
We are definitely on the right track with #74. Can you try maybe like 3-5 more variations of this? Also maybe try at least 1 where the banner stand itself is larger please? It sort of is being dwarfed by the "B" inside of it.
I like the size of the banner stand in #79 but I liked when the "B" was the first letter in Banner. Can you keep it this size and move the text back over so that the B is the first letter for Banner again? Also can you make the "B" a little smaller within the banner stand so that it is a little smaller?
Also can you see what it looks like if the "base" of the banner stand is silver looking? Most of the products that we sell are silver on the base.