I'll be ending the contest early... About noon on Monday so that we can get the design out to a printer in time for the event that we commissioned this logo for. It's between you and one other designer right now and it's a close call; please submit any additional logo designs by tomorrow 12:00 PM EST and we will select a winner then. Also, would you mind sending me multiple logos that you've designed once we select a winner, I could see using some of the different designs in different printing apications. Thanks, great work so far!
If I award you the winning design, would you be willing to send me files for all the logos you created for this contest. We like several of them and I would prefer not to have to just choose one. We like your designs the best, please let me know if you would be willing to email me image and EPS files for each logo design. Thanks,
If I award you the winning design, would you be willing to send me files for all the logos you created for this contest. We like several of them and I would prefer not to have to just choose one. We like your designs the best, please let me know if you would be willing to email me image and EPS files for each logo design. Thanks,