Thank you for your entry. We like your #52 the most. The cloud is a nice touch. Please change the fore-ground hill from black to green -blight shade not as in#46. We would like the logo to look bright.
#124 | More visible cloud. I tried to keep a lot of blue as well.
I like this design the best because it is clear that it is mountains, while my other designs seem to just be shapes. The customer will quickly realize these are mountains.
Thank you and two new requests please try #123 and #124 with out the ray -just plain blue sky. And also another one with plain blue sky and a little more cloud than #123 but less cloud than #124.
Thank you for the winning design. I have the last reqeust. There are 3 mountains on the right of the logo that showed only the foot of it. Can you extend the logo into rectangle shape and see if we can see a little bit more of those 3 mountains?
The mountains are actual cut pieces. There is no way to extend them. The entire design would have to be redrawn. I fear it would also damage the nice symmetry that the logo has now.