While waiting for the rest of my team to comment, here are some initial thoughts. I like the more horizontal treatments, especially #36 with the hot dog and ketchup splat exclamation point. In all of them, I like the dog character holding hot dogs...it is the right "dog attitude" and holding the hot dogs gets customers right into the category. Focusing on #36 for now, I question a couple of things...the design element with the black line looks like a cartoon strip "speech bubble" to me, but perhaps I am being too literal. Also, the yellow circle only shows up to frame the dogs mouth and hot dogs he is holding. But the yellow in that area sort of comes out of nowhere. Also, we need to add TM small next to the words Bad Dog!
Forget my comments about the speech bubble. I get it now and it's good. Sorry, it's been a long week! Also, I got voted down by team regarding the hot dog/ketchup splat exclamation point. So let's focus on #35 for now. the yellow by dog face and hot dogs still seems to come out of nowhere...maybe we try it without yellow there? Also, still need TM small after Bad Dog!
I´m happy you like my concept. I choose to work with a daschund type of dog cause for his long body at least in my country is called "Perro salchicha" or "Sausage dog" I found it funny to work cause the sausage in the hot dogs. The company name sounds me like when I get mad with my dogs and call them Bad Dog! :D so there is when the speech bubble idea comes.
By the yellow in the design you talk about to the circle behind the dog?