Backstage PassLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Backstage Pass Backstage Pass has selected their winning logo design. For $401 they received 77 designs from 15 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by luckymac Return to Contest Return to Contest New #11 New #8 New #2 Discussion weyscoggin Client I like this logo, it just doesn't convey high end bowling to me. Looks great, but doesn't fit what I'm looking for - hope to get some more logos from you.Thanks! 11 years ago luckymac Logo Designer Hello weyscoggin, thanks for your feedback! let me know if my new entry is more close of what you are looking for.ThanksLuckymac 11 years ago weyscoggin Client That looks good, but it's more retro than upscale. 11 years ago weyscoggin Client The A list, prestigious barber shop, and one other one that you made fit more into the style we are looking for. 11 years ago weyscoggin Client one bite colombus is the other one you made that fits the style we are looking for 11 years ago