Hey there! Thanks so much for all your concepts. We've narrowed it down to 3 of your designs and eliminated all of the other designs.
#689 - We like the curvature of the letters in this design (the font is a bit bolder which shows the curvature more).
#894 - We like the way the triangle matches up with the angles and thickness of the letters in the V and the top of the Y, so it looks like a continuation of the triangle.
#991 - We like that the letters are a bit shorter and wider.
If we can somehow combine all 3 of those elements, we'll definitely have our logo.
Hey there. Thank you for submitting your work, we really like your designs. Our favourites that are in the direction we'd like to go, are: # 363, 252, 212, 618, 619, 491.
We like the simplicity of the font (simple lines) and the symmetry of the overall logo. We also like the shapes in the background (triangle and circle). We'd love to see some more designs within this concept. Some things we'd love to see:
- Making the font a bit less tall and more short and fat
- Play with different accent colours (we like lighter blues - baby blue, sky blue, teal, or turquoise) on various parts of the E (top line, middle line, all lines)
- Play with the letter spacing
- Play with different variations of the background shape, and how it lines up with the letters.
Comment Activity
#689 - We like the curvature of the letters in this design (the font is a bit bolder which shows the curvature more).
#894 - We like the way the triangle matches up with the angles and thickness of the letters in the V and the top of the Y, so it looks like a continuation of the triangle.
#991 - We like that the letters are a bit shorter and wider.
If we can somehow combine all 3 of those elements, we'll definitely have our logo.
Thanks so much!
We like the simplicity of the font (simple lines) and the symmetry of the overall logo. We also like the shapes in the background (triangle and circle). We'd love to see some more designs within this concept. Some things we'd love to see:
- Making the font a bit less tall and more short and fat
- Play with different accent colours (we like lighter blues - baby blue, sky blue, teal, or turquoise) on various parts of the E (top line, middle line, all lines)
- Play with the letter spacing
- Play with different variations of the background shape, and how it lines up with the letters.
Thank you so much!
Please message me if i am going right direction.
Best regards